Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Stitch and Bitch at Linkle sewing café - Kreuzberg

Tonight I visited Linkle Stitch and Bitch http://www.linkle.de – a sewing café in Kreuzberg. Sourcing materials and equipment is an exercise in pavement pounding and searching in a new city. But when I was in Paris a friend of mine mentioned there were sewing cafes where you use the facilities on a pay by the hour basis, so when I arrived in Berlin I was hoping to fine something similar. The place is run by a woman called Linda whom also runs the sewing centre at Modulor http://www.modulor.de/shop/  (it’s like Disneyland for creatives – the happiest place in the world, an amazing materials shop with EVERTHING including architectural model making bits and pieces) - I have left penniless every time I have gone there. Linkle is a little closer to home and cheaper at 5 Euros an hour, not bad, and the facilities are excellent and Linda is there to help out which is always handy even for experienced sewers! It’s a cool friendly environment in which to work – really reminded me of work rooms in uni, casual chatter and music in the back ground, a nice respite from the solitude of studio work. So I got some good work done. 

There is something about sewing that brings out my sweet side. Here is a Youtube clip of a puppy that can't roll over. Aw, so cute. Puppies.

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